Property owners should have received a red frisbee with our website at their lake property. If you did not find yours we will have some available at our annual meeting. A big thank you goes to President Rod Ward for our informational website.
Everyone is invited to join us at the KATRINE COMMUNITY CENTRE , Sunday, July 3 at ten am in the downstairs room. The meetings are approximately two hours.
Some items to be discussed: many spring break-ins on the lake, highway development, do we need a code of conduct for lake usage? website use, picnic volunteers, changes in our community, new directors, a new Lake Steward, membership concerns, etc.
Spring Spawning Walleye Survey was conducted at Three Mile Lake by Lloyd
Bristow. With guidelines and equipment
provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources, visual night sighting samples
were conducted at 6 shoals on the lake.
Due to the rapid rise in water temperature during the time periods of
the samplings, the data gathered was not sufficient for the MNR to draw any
conclusions. As we are not experts we
too cannot draw any conclusions at this time, however, the sightings were minimal
and non-existent at some shoals which is a bit concerning. A discussion is in progress with the MNR on
how/if we can proceed with a Walleye stocking program for the lake. We will try to do the survey again next
spring and hopefully the weather will cooperate so we can provide the MNR with
good sample data. In the meantime,
voluntary “live release” program at their cottage and fish strictly for sport
not consumption.
Reminder: Do not empty bait buckets into the lake!
Taylor continues to do his best to keep the most dangerous shoals and rocks
marked. This spring many barrels were
put out early by Jim and Justin Nichols.
We all appreciate their efforts in helping to make our lake safer for
boating. Tim will be making adjustments
to the placement and securing of the barrels as the season progresses.
If a blue marker barrel washes up on your property please put it on the end of your dock and call Barb Leonard at 382-1602 for information on where to have the barrel picked
We do the best we can to mark all shoals and large rocks but there are unforseen events and we assume no liability in the event that:
1) all shoals and rocks are not marked,
2) that buoys become detached.
Sheils has offered to Chair the committee for our annual picnic. Due to a lack of volunteers the picnic was
cancelled last year.
With many children on the lake, Sharon would like to ensure that these children have the many delightful memories that her own children have experienced with past Three Mile Lake Community Club picnics.
Many of our children who have enjoyed these picnics are now parents and continue to love coming to the lake. We are asking you to remember those races you ran, the eggs you tossed, the canoes you manned and volunteer for an hour on Saturday, July 30, so that we can give all of the younger children on the lake a day of fun and delightful memories.
Sharon can be contacted at , or 705 787-0861. She will also be at the annual meeting where you are welcome to discuss ways in which you can help.
Please consider volunteering. Many hands will help make a successful picnic.
A very successful GOLF TOURNAMENT using the best ball format was enjoyed at the Katrine Golf Club last year. Lori Kyle and Wendy Teufel will be organizing the tournament for Sunday, July 31. Apparently the East side of the lake outnumbered the West side of the lake with players. Can this situation be remedied?
Watch for signs on our notice board regarding this event. An update will be given at our annual meeting.
Gord Isbister would like to continue with the sailing REGATTA. He will be absent at the annual meeting but would like to ensure that those interested leave their names at the meeting or use the contact on our website.
OPP Officers
were on our lake last summer
checking for boating infractions and fishing licenses. Some boaters were asked to produce some of
their safety equipment. Some of the kits
purchased have watertight flashlights but not
the batteries. The OPP Officers asked to
see if the flashlights were functional.
Safe boating regulations apply to all recreational vessels.
Canoes, kayaks, sailboards, and paddleboats are included.
would all like to extend our appreciation to Ken who has been so actively
involved as our Lake Steward. He has
given us sound advice on how to help keep our lake healthy. Ken has kept records for years on the
condition of our lake.
We have one interested person ready to take on this daunting task. Anyone else interested or with specific knowledge in this field would be welcome to assist us in helping keep our lake as healthy as possible.
remember that most property on the lake is private property which means that
you cannot ride a snowmobile or ATV on that property without the land owners
permission. Please respect your
neighbours and all others on the lake and only run your ‘toys’ where they are
legally welcome.
There were at least 4 break-ins on the lake prior to the long weekend in May. One on Sunnylea and 3 on Skyline, 2 of which were in Bear Trap Bay. Please keep an eye out as part of our Neighbourhood Watch Program and report any suspicious activity to the OPP in Burk’s Falls.
The Perseids Radiant Meteor Shower is expected to take place August 12th and 13th this year and lucky for us cottagers that’s a Friday/Saturday night! What a better place to view a meteor shower than at the cottage! If it’s a clear night and it’s nice and dark, later in the evening you may catch a glimpse of a great meteor shower. A member has noted that it would be great if everyone planned to make those 2 nights “light free” in order to give everyone a great opportunity to view the showers. So on August 12/13th grab your sleeping bag, turn out the lights, head down to the dock and enjoy the show, it’s free.
Make sure you visit our website at on a regular basis for updates on happenings around the lake.
There are forms with your frisbees, on the webpage and with
the previous newsletter. If you have
sent in your membership please disregard this request. Our Treasurer Barb
Leonard, (382- 1602) has a record of the
membership if you are unsure of your status.
FORM $25.00 for 2005
PHONE_____________________ COTTAGE
Would you prefer to
receive your newsletter by email -Yes___________ No_________
I will check the website for my newsletter__________
Please make cheque
payable to ThreeMile Lake Community Club Inc.